Thread lifting in Frankfurt

Look younger without surgery

Do you often stand in front of the mirror and want to look younger? But you don't want visible scars or major surgery? Then a thread lift could be an interesting wrinkle treatment option for you.

Find out more from our experienced plastic surgeons about your options through a Thread lifting in Frankfurt.

What is a thread lift?

A thread lift is a minimally invasive method. It allows us to tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles. During the treatment, special threads are inserted under the skin, which have a tightening effect.

Who is the thread lift suitable for?

Thread lifting is particularly suitable for people who do not want surgery or for whom surgery is not an option for medical reasons. However, this method does not replace a facelift, but can bridge the time until then. 

Is the result permanent?

The threads are designed in such a way that they dissolve by themselves after some time. However, the volume effect usually remains.


How does a thread lift work?

Firstly, you should know that there are different types of threads that can be used in a thread lift. A basic distinction is made between absorbable and non-absorbable threads. Absorbable threads are broken down by the body after some time.

The thread lift procedure itself is relatively simple. First, the area of skin to be treated is disinfected and anaesthetised. The threads are then inserted under the skin with a special needle and placed in the desired position.

The threads have a threefold effect:

  • they form a supporting framework that tightens the skin
  • they stimulate the formation of collagen and elastic fibres, improving the elasticity and resilience of the skin
  • they act like a biological tensioner that pulls the skin from the inside out, reducing wrinkles and fine lines

The effect is immediately visible. Depending on the type of threads used and your individual factors, the effect lasts for several months to a year.

Slight swelling and redness may occur after the treatment, but these will subside quickly.

What are the advantages of thread slitting?

A thread lift is a minimally invasive anti-wrinkle treatment. Compared to an invasive surgical procedure, the procedure offers the following advantages:

  • Natural results 
  • No scars or visible marks
  • No long recovery phase necessary
  • Long-lasting results (in individual cases up to 24 months)
  • low-risk
  • Wide range of applications
advantages of thread lifting

Conclusion: Is a thread lift in Frankfurt recommended?

Fadenlifting is becoming increasingly popular. It is considered a gentler alternative to the classic facelift. If you want a slight tightening of the skin, you can achieve a good result.

However, the method is not suitable for everyone. Surgery is unavoidable, particularly in the case of severe excess skin, as it is not possible to remove it using the thread technique. 

If you have very thin skin or are prone to keloid scars, you may have to forego the benefits of thread lifting.

All in all, it can be said that a thread lift at our clinic in Frankfurt can be an interesting alternative to surgical tightening.


Would you like to find out more about thread lifting?

Arrange your consultation appointment! We will be happy to explain everything about your options, risks and alternatives. 

Tips and recommendations for thread lifting

Below you will find frequently asked questions and answers about thread lifting:

How do I find the right doctor or clinic?

In principle, the following applies: The experience and qualifications of the doctor treating you are the basis for successful treatment. Therefore, pay attention to the specialist training! Terms such as cosmetic surgeon, beauty clinic, beautydoc, etc. are not protected. Specialist titles, on the other hand, are protected. On the one hand, there is the specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery. On the other hand, there are other specialisations with additional training in plastic surgery.

Also make sure you have a comprehensive consultation and medical history. You should be able to decide freely and without pressure whether you want the procedure. 

If you receive a cost estimate or an offer without an examination, please refrain. Every face is unique - therefore every treatment must be individually tailored to you.

What are the costs for a thread lift in Frankfurt?

The cost of a thread lift in Frankfurt varies depending on the initial findings and the treatment required. As a rule, you can expect to pay between 800 and 3000 euros. 


The price depends on various factors (for example, the number of stitches required, the number of sessions and the experience of the doctor). Cheap is not always worth the price.

How do I prepare for a thread lift?

Before undergoing a thread lift, you should definitely arrange a consultation with an experienced specialist. You will be informed about the exact procedure of the treatment. All questions relating to thread lifting, including all possible risks and side effects, will be discussed.
Blood-thinning medication such as aspirin, etc. should be avoided approximately two weeks before the treatment. Alcohol and nicotine should also be avoided. These can have a negative effect on the healing process.

You should avoid make-up and creams on the day of the treatment. These could influence the optimal effect of the anaesthetic.

What should I do after a thread lift?

After the thread lift, you should allow yourself sufficient rest and avoid physical exertion. Visits to the sauna and sunbathing should also be avoided for a few weeks to ensure optimal healing. If you cannot avoid the sun, use appropriate sun protection.

Avoid physical activities that require you to tilt your head downwards. You should not use make-up or creams for the first 24 hours after the treatment.

To reduce swelling or possible bruising, you can carefully cool the treatment area. Avoid alcohol and nicotine consumption. 

As part of your consultation, we will advise you on any further customised measures to ensure you get the best possible result.

Can I finance the costs of my procedure?

Yes - We can offer you financing or payment by instalments through our partner if you have the appropriate credit rating.

More information on financing

novoLinea Clinic - Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery since 1968

Our clinic has been located directly opposite Frankfurt's main railway station since it was founded in 1968. We have been providing the right solution for our patients ever since. Let our team advise you personally and comprehensively. We will inform you in detail about the various methods and options. You will receive all the information you need about possible alternatives and potential risks.

Our clinic has excellent air conditioning, so that you will have a pleasant stay with us even on hot summer days.

Our plastic surgeons for your thread lift

Dr Norbert Kania and Oliver Ruiz
Dr Norbert Kania and Oliver Ruiz
Specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery

Our specialists in aesthetic and plastic surgery attach great importance to individualised care for our patients. We are among the most experienced specialists in the Rhine-Main region and have been repeatedly recognised by FOCUS. 

Take advantage of our extensive knowledge and experience for your thread lift.