Remove bags under the eyes in Frankfurt

We can remove your bags under the eyes

Do you recognise this? After getting up, you look in the mirror and hardly recognise yourself. This is often due to the eye area, which is often droopy and puffy in the morning. However, bags under the eyes are not just an aesthetic problem, but can also be a sign of health problems.

A puffy eye area affects many people's self-perception. Find out what you can do against swollen bags under the eyes can do.

How do bags under the eyes develop?

Puffiness caused by a lacrimal sac is a build-up of fat and fluid. These deposits occur when the lymph flow around the eye area is impaired. If the lymphatic fluid is not completely drained, water and fat particles can accumulate in the tissue of the eyelid - in other words, the puffiness develops.

This is also known as lymphoedema, which manifests itself in the eye area as a tear sac - possibly also in conjunction with dark circles. A disturbance in the transport of lymphatic fluid around the eye area can have various causes. 

Are there differences in bags under the eyes?

There are different types of bags under the eyes:

Temporary bags under the eyes

People who only suffer from bags under the eyes from time to time are probably exposed to too much stress. Increased consumption of nicotine or alcohol can also be the cause of bags under the eyes - especially in combination with too little sleep.

Chronic bags under the eyes

People who frequently suffer from bags under the eyes may have a chronic problem. This often increases with age, as the connective tissue around the eyes becomes weaker. The result can be permanent deformation around the eye area.

Bags under the eyes caused by an illness

If unexplained puffiness develops around the eye area, it may be due to an allergy or other illness. Heart and kidney problems in particular can be the cause of bags under the eyes. In this case you should have the cause checked carefully.

This can be dangerous for those affected, as not only the transport of lymph fluid, but also the transport of blood and urine could be impaired.

How can I prevent bags under the eyes?

A healthy lifestyle is generally advisable to prevent the formation of bags under the eyes. Reduce stress and ensure you have a balanced diet. Avoid or reduce the consumption of alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol removes water from the body. This causes the connective tissue to lose elasticity (= frequent cause of dark circles and bags under the eyes). Smoking also has a negative effect on the body.

Make sure you drink enough (preferably still mineral water or fruit juice spritzers). Vegetable juices have a stimulating effect on the lymph flow. When drinking beverages, you should make sure that they are as low in sugar as possible, as this can also have a negative effect on the metabolism. 

Also allow yourself enough sleep in a dark room without any electronic, lighting or noise sources. This is particularly important for the eyes during the deep sleep phase.

What can I do to get rid of bags under my eyes?

If bags under the eyes have formed, you can use cooling eye masks as an immediate measure. Creams and ointments with urea are also suitable for moisturising the skin. This is a substance produced naturally in the body that binds moisture in the skin.

If your bags under the eyes are not reduced, you should consult a specialist. A personal consultation can clarify which measures make sense in your case. In principle, targeted volume injections with hyaluronic acid at specific points can achieve an improvement in cases that are not very pronounced.

In advanced cases - especially with the formation of excess skin or a significant protrusion of fat in the eye region - the only effective surgical option is lower blepharoplasty.

What should be considered after an operation or removal of bags under the eyes?

  • Immediately after lacrimal sac surgery, your eyes may become swollen (this usually subsides after 1 to 2 days)
  • You will get blue eyes due to a haematoma. This will settle in the lower eyelids (usually lasts approx. 1 week)
  • As the suture is placed exactly in the creases of the eyelids when the eyes are open, it is usually barely visible after 8 days
  • If the incision is made over the outer edge of the eye socket, these additional 1 to 2 cm long scars may remain red for several weeks
  • Immediately after the operation, your palpebral fissure may appear slightly smaller. This is due to swelling in the surgical area
  • You should cover your eyes with moist compresses or ice packs for 1 to 2 days so that the swelling subsides more quickly
  • The stitches are removed on the 5th day after the operation
  • You should not apply creams or ointments to your eyes during the first week. Furthermore, you should not apply make-up directly to the fresh scar. Remember, the skin helps itself best
  • It is best to wear dark-coloured sunglasses to conceal any bruising
  • The wearing of contact lenses should be agreed with your surgeon

novoLinea Klinik - Expertise since 1968
in plastic surgery

Our clinic opposite the main railway station in Frankfurt has been specialising in aesthetic corrections since it was founded in 1968. Let our experienced team advise you personally and comprehensively about your options for tear bag removal. We will inform you in detail about treatment methods, possible risks and a possible healing process. You will also receive a detailed breakdown of the costs of the treatment.

Would you like to find out more about removing your bags under the eyes?

Arrange your consultation appointment! We will be happy to explain everything about your treatment options. 

Our specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery for your eye bag removal

Dr Norbert Kania and Oliver Ruiz
Dr Norbert Kania and Oliver Ruiz
Specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery

We attach great importance to individualised care for our patients. With our many years of medical experience, we have repeatedly been recognised as a TOP surgeon by FOCUS in the field of aesthetic surgery. Take advantage of our extensive experience to remove your bags under the eyes.