Brazilian Butt Lift Frankfurt

Brazilian Butt Lift in Frankfurt:
For a beautiful, large and very feminine bum

Many women suffer from a flat, undefined bum shape - the desire for a beautiful, firm bum arises. Alongside the breasts, it is seen as an expression of femininity and attractiveness. The buttocks can be enlarged using silicone implants or autologous fat transplants. As complications often occur during buttock augmentation with implants, autologous fat transplantation (Brazilian Butt Lift) is becoming more and more established.

Prerequisite for an autologous fat transplant are sufficiently large fat pads from which the fat is removed. External saddlebags are particularly suitable for this. However, fat can also be removed from other areas such as the hips, abdomen or inner thighs. 

Find out more about the operation from our experienced specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery Dr Norbert Kania in Frankfurt.

Brief info Brazillian Butt Lift

Op-ArtOutpatient or inpatient
AnaesthesiaGeneral anaesthesia
Stay in our clinicA few hours or
1 night stationary
(depending on the scope of the operation)
When can I go back to work?Depending on the work activity for approx. 1 week
What quantity?Depending on the region and individual requirements
After the operation- Follow-up appointments after 1.6 weeks after 6 months
- Avoid sitting on your bum
- Wear compression underwear for 6 weeks
Which specialist treats?Consultation and treatment by our specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery
Dr Norbert Kania
CostsCustomised - depending on the scope of the operation
Can I pay in instalments?possible depending on creditworthiness
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Brazilian Butt Lift Frankfurt

What happens during the Brazilian Butt Lift?

Firstly, the areas where the fat is to be suctioned are marked while standing. The areas on the buttocks where volume is missing are also marked. The operation is then usually performed under twilight sedation. Liposuction is performed using the water jet method (WAL).

This method is particularly gentle on the fat cells, which should grow into the buttocks as much as possible. The extracted fat is filtered and processed and then injected into the buttocks in different layers using very thin cannulas. It is very important that the fat is not transplanted into the muscle. There are large blood vessels in the gluteal muscles.
At the end of the operation, the small incisions are sutured with fine stitches and the patient is fitted with compression trousers to compress the suctioned areas - but not the buttocks. The patient usually stays in the clinic for one night.

What risks can there be?

As with any surgical procedure, general surgical risks can occur during a buttock augmentation using a Brazillian butt lift. In order to guarantee you maximum safety, the operation is performed exclusively by our head physician Dr Norbert Kania personally. The procedure is carried out in compliance with strict hygiene standards.
The cases of serious - sometimes even fatal - complications repeatedly reported in the media usually involve operations performed by doctors who are poorly trained or not trained at all in plastic surgery. If fat is inadvertently injected into a large vein, serious complications can occur.
What are the possible risks of a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Buttock lift

What happens after the operation?

There are two factors that hinder the ingrowth of fat cells and thus lead to a high rate of non-ingrown fat cells - and therefore to an unsatisfactory result. The first is nicotine, which constricts the blood vessels and thus impairs the good blood circulation necessary for the fat cells to grow in.
Nicotine consumption must therefore be completely avoided for 6 weeks after the operation. This applies not only to cigarettes, but also to nicotine patches, sprays and chewing gum. The second factor that fat cells do not like is pressure. For this reason, the buttocks are left out of the compression trousers.

Who is suitable for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazillian butt lift can be interesting if a person feels uncomfortable with the shape of their buttocks. The operation not only enlarges the buttocks, but also gently shapes the entire buttocks and hip area. The body silhouette is harmonised and the individual parts of the body are brought into harmony with each other.
The treatment can also be of interest to men - many often suffer from a flat bottom, which cannot be significantly built up even through continuous training.
The treatment is also interesting if the buttock region is sagging. The treatment can shape the buttocks so that they look firm and tight again. In contrast to implants, the treatment can be used to shape the transition areas towards the hips and thighs in a particularly natural way. The buttocks also feel much more "real" overall than with augmentation using implants.

Who is unsuitable for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

For very slim women, autologous fat treatment may not be possible. In this case, buttock augmentation with implants may be a sensible alternative.

Questions & Answers Brazilian Butt Lift

What complications can occur?

In addition to general complications such as haematoma, possible complications are the same as with liposuction. In the case of autologous fat transplantation, palpable hardening may occur in rare cases.

The proportion of fat cells that are resorbed by the body often varies from patient to patient. The average resorption rate of approx. 30 % can also be higher and may require further fat transplantation.

If non-ingrown fat cells fuse, oil cysts can very rarely develop. Serious complications (fat embolism) can occur if the fat is injected incorrectly into the muscle (poorly trained/inexperienced surgeon).

What needs to be considered before the operation?

You should be at your "feel-good weight". If you want to lose weight, you should have done so before the operation. Losing weight after the operation means that your bum will also become smaller again.

If you are a smoker, you should be able to give up nicotine before the operation. Nicotine is not a problem for the transplanted fat six weeks after the operation. Take one week before the operation do not take any medication containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

What scars can be expected with a BBL?

The scars, which are approx. 5 mm in size, are placed in the natural skin lines. When they have faded after 4 to 6 months, they are barely visible.

When will the result be visible?

After a few weeks, the swelling immediately following the operation should have subsided and the first results should be visible. The final surgical result can be after a few months be assessed.

How long do the results of the Brazilian Buttlift last?

With the Brazilian Butt Lift we achieve lasting results. However, changes in lifestyle or the natural ageing process can cause your body contours to change again, which affects the result accordingly.

In principle, the treatment can of course be repeated.

How dangerous is a bottom surgery?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is not without danger. A comprehensive and thorough preliminary examination is therefore necessary. This checks many risk factors so that the possible risks are minimised. Our experience and qualifications are extremely important here.

During the consultation, you will also receive a detailed description and explanation of any side effects or risks of butt surgery.

Aftercare: What needs to be considered after a BBL?

After After the Brazilian Butt Lift operation, you will need to wear a compression girdle for approx. 4-6 weeks. This girdle has openings over the buttocks. This prevents pressure on the buttocks area.

You should not put any strain on your buttock muscles for 2-4 weeks. This also includes avoiding sitting and lying on your back.

Can I finance the cost of my butt lift?

Yes - Financing the costs of your Brazilian butt lift is possible via our partner if you have the appropriate credit rating.

More information on financing

novoLinea Klinik - Expertise since 1968

Our clinic for plastic surgery has been dealing with aesthetic corrections since it was founded in 1968. Let our team advise you personally and comprehensively. During the consultation, you will find out which method suits your desired result and your body. We will provide you with detailed information about butt augmentation with a Brazilian butt lift and possible risks. You will also receive a detailed breakdown of the costs of the treatment. Thanks to the empathetic and competent support, you will not feel alone as a patient.

Our clinic has excellent air conditioning, so that you will have a pleasant stay with us even on hot summer days.

Our experienced plastic surgeon for your Brazilian butt lift in Frankfurt

Dr Norbert Kania Frankfurt
Dr Norbert Kania
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery

Dr Kania, a specialist in aesthetic and plastic surgery with over 20 years of experience in aesthetic plastic surgery, places great value on individual patient care. With his many years of medical experience, he has repeatedly been recognised as a TOP surgeon by FOCUS. Take advantage of his extensive experience for your Brazilian butt lift.